The Upominoky as Part of the Diplomatic Game of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during Negotiations with the Rulers of the Crimean Khanate 30-ies. XVI Century
Kostiantyn Sviatniuk
Student of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Ukraine, Kyiv),
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The article is devoted to the problem of paying Lithuania’s upominokov to the Crimean Khanate. On the basis of the theories mentioned by historiography, and also thanks to the use of sources, the author tried to show that the upominoky were quite complex and effective devices in the diplomatic contacts of the two countries in 1533–1540.
In the beginning, the Lithuanian side was prepared to pay the upominoky to the new Khan Sahib-Giray I according to the old pattern. But the weakening of the authority of this khan as a result of the civil war. And also the emergence of the parallel power of the nephew of Islam Giray I, gave the opportunity to the Lithuanian diplomats to change the old formula of the upominoka. This payment was significantly lowered in the amount. It paid exclusively by the tissues. And the payment itself was exceptional in friendly relations.
After Sahib-Giriy I restored his power, he immediately demanded that he return to the formula of his father’s times. But the Grand Duchy of Lithuania agreed only to the repayment of the amount of payments in 15 thousand, and its procedure once in half a year. At the same time, Lithuania prolonged the clauses in the new treaty from 1534–1535, according to which the upominok was paid not by money, but by fabrics for a fixed amount; The Crimean Ambassadors were kept at the expense of the upominok.
Upominoky, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Crimean Khanate, diplomacy.
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