Lithuanian Peak and «Ukrainian Question»: Politicians of the Noble-Magnate Circles of GDL in Relation to Cossack Ukraine in the Conditions of the Moscow-Polish War of 1654–1677

Volodymyr Hazin
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Аssociate Professor,
Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University (Ukraine, Kamianets-Podilskyi),
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The article analyzed the position of the gentry-aristocratic elite Grand Duchy of Lithuania to solve the «ukrainian question» in a continuing Muscovite-Polish war of 1654–1667 rr. The attention to the fact that, first, among the governing circles of Lithuania was formed several groups that differed approaches to the problem, and secondly, the majority of Lithuanian nobility and mahnateriya, nurturing the hope that the peace agreement with Moscow will create favorable conditions for the liberation of the occupied territories Lithuanian imperial troops, with AME context of this came to assessing the prospects agreements Chyhyryn. Thus, the line Lithuanians was aimed at preventing any deterioration in relations with Moscow, which would further complicate the situation in Lithuania itself. This has affected the position on solving the cossack Ukraine and «ukrainian question», which led to what the Lithuanians in these areas supported the «party of war» in the governing circles of the Commonwealth.



«Ukrainian question», Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the nobility, the «party of war».



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