The Role of the «German Town» in Vilnius in the Second Half of the 14th Century
Irma Kaplunaite
PhD, Researcher,
Institute of History of Lithuania (Lithuania, Vilnius),
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The official Catholic christening of Lithuania occurred only in 1387. However, the first Christians – Orthodox and Catholics – settled in pagan Vilnius, when Grand Dukes of Lithuania were still hesitating between choosing eastern or western baptism. The importance and influence of Christians were hugely determined by the politics of Grand Dukes of Lithuania and their plans for each of the communities.
Emergence of the Catholic Community in Vilnius in XIVth century is related to the town development and Christianization processes. First Catholics in Vilnius had settled at the south-western foot of Gediminas Hill as part of the lower ward community. Social and political changes in the 2nd half of the XIVth century caused population resettlement to the western part of the present Old Town of Vilnius and allowed forming a separate suburb – so called «German town» – further away from the ruler‘s-manor.
Combining together archaeological, historical, architectural and geological material, now we can more reliably talk about the significance of the «German town» in Vilnius. Catholics in pagan Lithuania are usually associated with «fire and sword». However, as a deeper look shows, they can be associated not only with the crusades, but also with peaceful Christianization, the spread of German law, raising the level of craft, building churches. This article examines this aspect – the peaceful settlement of the community of the Catholic faith and its role in the volatile Vilnius of the second half of the XIVth century.
«German town», Old Town, Church St. Mykola, urbanization system.
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