Volhynians in the Structure of the Uniate Church on the Land of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (end of the 16th century – first half of 17th century)
Petro Kulakovskyi
Doctor of Historical Sciences (Dr. Hab. in History), Professor,
National University of Ostroh Academy (Ukraine, Ostroh),
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ul2017.04.171
The article traced the role and participation of the natives of Volyn in the formation of the Uniate Church structures on the land of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. On the one hand, the reasons of this process consisted in the close cultural and religious relations between Volyn and the land of the Duchy that were formed before the Union of Lublin. On the other hand, the administrative division of the Churches (including the Uniate Church) did not conform to the territorial-administrative division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, moreover, without consideration of borders between two entities of this state – the Crown and Lithuania. Kiev and Smolensk Archeparchy and Volodymyr-Brest Eparchy spread their jurisdiction to the territory of both parts of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The concentration of educational institutions and influential monasteries of the Uniate Church where the natives of Volyn were ordained became the additional factor of their rooting in the structures of the Church.
During the period of research, it was established that in the Eparchies and Archeparchies of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Volyn was presented simultaneously by people from city-dwellers (the Archbishop in Polotsk Josaphat Kuntsevych) and the representatives of nobility (the Bishop in Volodymyr and Brest Joseph Bakoveckiy, the Bishop in Pinsk and Turov Pachomius Voina Oranskyi, the Archimandrite in Kobryn Pavlo Ovlochymskyi, etc).
Volyn, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Uniate Church, Eparchy, Basilian order, Bishop, Archimandrite.
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