«Diary Stationery» of Field Lithuanian Hetman Janush Radziwill as a Source of Study of the Revolutionary Events in Podolia and South-Eastern Volyn (the mid-1649 – march, 1651)
Valeriy Stepankov
Doctor of Historical Sciences (Dr. hab. in History), Рrofessor,
Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University (Ukraine, Kamianets-Podilskyi),
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ul2017.04.248
This source is not a typical ≪diary≫ of author’s personal records, it refers to ≪camp≫ diaries and contains a variety of documentation come in the princely office. It’s stored in the main Archive of ancient acts in Warsaw (Fund No. 553, division VI, file Nos. 36 and 37 / 1. – 825 p.). It belongs to the most valuable for the study of the Ukrainian revolution of 1648–1676, firsly, the progress of military campaigns of the Ukrainian-Polish and Ukrainian-Lithuanian relations.
Its analysis allowed us to identify a group of materials (32 units) that sheds the light on the course of liberation and social struggle of the population of Podolia and South-Eastern Volyn mid-1649 – March, 1651. 6 of them have additional information about the formation of Volyn Cossack regiments, social structure and the struggle with the Polish army in June, 1649, and the fighting of Podolian rebels with the Poles for Medzhybizh. 5 documents are very important to clarify the Moldavian campaign of B. Khmelnytskiy and attitude of the Podolians to it (August – September 1650). The largest group (21 units) is about the struggle of the Cossacks, peasants and lower middle class citizens of Podolia with the Polish army of Hetman M. Kalinowski (February – March 1651). In particular, they enrich the existing historiography information about the preparation of the Polish campaign, the courageous resistance of the defenders of Krashe, Morafa, Stina and other cities, the defense of Vinnitsia and the retreat of the Poles.
The introduction in a scientific turn of the materials of this source will allow historians to make important adjustments to the created picture of the revolutionary events.
Sources, letters, reports, recognition, soldiers, Cossacks, military actions.
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie [Main Archive of Early Acts].
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